We aim at contributing to the Nation-building ecercise, by groomiing our students in such a way, that they not only become an officer, but an officer who is ethical & within a framework of morality; having empathy towards the weaker section of the society & a burning desire to serve our rising India!
Don't let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.
- Roopleen
At The Officers Academy, value-based knowledge is the true aim of education the we impart to our students. The talent and the energy which our students possess needs to be nurtured, shaped and channelled in the right direction. Our combined efforts would bring out not only the best in their careers,but the best in their lives. In this way, we hope to support not only individuals, but also the entire society from which we all will benefit.
Don't stop at the first obstacle; have endurance to keep on going and you will succeed. - Robert A. Schuller
Our objective is to produce new age officers who not only excel in their relevant fields, but also have best communication and human values to deal with diverse situations. We deploy your intellect on the right path. The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence with moral character is the goal of True Education.
Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.
- Nelson Mandela.